Symposia, Theater an der Wien
Festival della Valle d'Itria, Symposia
Grand Théâtre de Genève, Symposia
Opera Vlaanderen, Symposia
Symposia, Vienna State Opera
Opera Vlaanderen, Symposia
Mozarthaus Vienna, Symposia, Vienna State Opera
Symposia, Vienna State Opera
Symposia, University of Zurich
Symposia, Vienna State Opera
Symposia, Teatro Naçional de São Carlos
Symposia, Theatre des Champs Élysées
European Forum Alpbach, Symposia
Symposia, Vienna Chamber Opera
Bayerische Theaterakademie, FIMT Research Institut for Music Theatre, Prinzregententheater, Symposia
Herbert von Karajan Centrum, Symposia, Vienna State Opera
Radiokulturhaus, Symposia, Vienna Volksoper
Department of Theatre Studies, Symposia
Ekaterinburg Opera, FIMT Research Institut for Music Theatre, Symposia
FIMT Research Institut for Music Theatre, Schloss Wiepersdorf, Symposia
Austrian Theatre Museum, Department of Theatre Studies, FIMT Research Institut for Music Theatre, Symposia
FIMT Research Institut for Music Theatre, Symposia